Why are real estate commissions 6%? – and why that may be changing

Why are real estate commissions 6%?
and why that may be changing

This is a great article to read so click on the link above for the full story!
If you have a realtor helping you find a home you just might be paying them in the near future as your Buyers Agent instead of the Seller paying them. You could pay us at National Home Buyers LLC a lot less and save a lot more!

Washington, DCCNN — 

Here’s how paying for a real estate agent to sell your home has long been done: A seller hands a percentage of the sale price to their broker, who then splits it with the broker who brought the buyer.

The commission is typically between 5% and 6%, which is usually tens of thousands of dollars out of the seller’s proceeds. But the seller also factored that cost into what they listed their home for, so indirectly, the buyer is paying the cost, too.

How did that become the standard? And will this process continue?